Brecksville Police Department - Outreach Programs

Halloween Safety Patrol

Every year, local HAM radio operators volunteer their time to the community and assist Brecksville Police by visiting area neighborhoods watching for suspicious activity.

Halloween Safety Tips

The city would like to remind residents of the following trick-or-treat safety tips:
For Kids:
Trick-or-treat in a group or with an adult.
Be sure your parents always know where you are going to trick-or-treat.
Only visit homes that have the porch light on.
Walk, don’t run, and stay on sidewalks.
Look both ways before crossing streets and only cross the street at corners.
Wear reflective clothing.
Accept treats only in doorways. Never go into a house.
Keep away from candles and open fires.
Let parents check your treats before you eat them.
Never eat unwrapped candy, opened candy or fruit given to you on Halloween.
For Homeowners:
Turn your porch light on and keep your yard well-lit if you plan to pass out treats. Turn your lights off if you will not be home to discourage children from approaching your property.
Make sure your yard is clear of all objects (examples: ladders, hoses, dog leashes or flower pots) that may pose a risk of injury to young children.
Battery-powered jack-o’lantern candles are preferable to open flames.
If you do use candles, place the pumpkin away from trick-or-treaters.
For Drivers:
Drive slowly, with caution, all evening.



The City of Brecksville
Celebrates Trick or Treat on
Halloween Night from 6 - 8- pm