In Case of Emergency please call 911
or (440) 526-1234
Brecksville Police Department
9020 Brecksville Road
Brecksville, Ohio 44141
Non-emergency: (440) 526-8900
Fax.: (440) 546-2002
The email above is not monitored 24/7.
If you need immediate assistance,
please call (440) 526-8900
Public Records email:
The Brecksville Police Department Detective Bureau is responsible for investigating serious crimes that occur within the City of Brecksville. Other duties include processing of crime scenes, evidence management, and follow up investigation for the Patrol Division. All felony arrests are processed through the Detective Bureau. The Detective Bureau also develops and cultivates intelligence on criminal activity and shares that information with the Patrol Unit and other law enforcement agencies.
The Detective Bureau is comprised of 2 Detectives. The Detective Bureau falls under the Operations Lieutenant. The Detectives work closely with other law enforcement agencies as many crimes committed within the City are also occurring in other jurisdictions and/or the criminals committing these crimes reside outside of the City of Brecksville. The Detective Bureau also works closely with both the City and County Prosecutor to ensure that all cases brought before the court for prosecution are complete, thorough and prepared properly to ensure a successful prosecution.