In Case of Emergency please call 911
or (440) 526-1234
Brecksville Police Department
9020 Brecksville Road
Brecksville, Ohio 44141
Non-emergency: (440) 526-8900
Fax.: (440) 546-2002
The email above is not monitored 24/7.
If you need immediate assistance,
please call (440) 526-8900
Public Records email:
The Brecksville Police Department operates a temporary holding facility. When youth groups tour the police station, the jail is often the highlight of the tour.
The jail administrator is Lieutenant Robert Johnson. Lt. Johnson manages all jail operations. He is also responsible for assuring that the facility is certified and operates within the standards set by the Ohio Bureau of Adult Detention and County Health Department.
The Brecksville Police Department will do fingerprinting for Brecksville residents. Please call (440) 526-8900 to make an appointment.
For any questions or further information about the jail, please contact:
Lieutenant Robert L. Johnson
Jail Administrator/OIC
The Brecksville Police Department will do fingerprinting for Brecksville residents. Please call (440) 526-8900 to make an appointment.