In Case of Emergency please call 911
or (440) 526-1234
Brecksville Police Department
9020 Brecksville Road
Brecksville, Ohio 44141
Non-emergency: (440) 526-8900
Fax.: (440) 546-2002
The email above is not monitored 24/7.
If you need immediate assistance,
please call (440) 526-8900
Public Records email:
The Brecksville Police Department believes it is important to interact and communicate with the community about issues that impact the health, safety and security of the community. The department schedules presentations through out the year, but is also available to do presentations by request. Presentation topics include but are not limited to: personal safety, school safety, home safety, driving safety, fraud awareness and gun safety.
Sergeant John Chrisopulos coordinates all community presentations. The Department has several officers with expertise in various areas that work with Officer Chrisopulos to present an informative, worthwhile presentation. If you would like to schedule a presentation, have a suggestion for a presentation or question, please contact Officer Chrisopulos at (440) 526-8900 or email at