Horticulture - About Us

M - F from 7:30 to 4:00


Bryan Stowe

Doug Novak

Jim Kasmarcak




Bryan Stowe

Bryan Stowe has worked in the green industry for nearly 20 years with 12 years working in public service. He has a passion for everything that grows, and loves to see what a team can accomplish when they work towards a common goal of maintaining all of the wonderful trees, shrubs, planting beds, and flowers in the City of Brecksville. Bryan has a degree in conservation from Kent State University, he graduated from the Davey Tree Management Program, and he’s an ISA Certified Arborist.


Doug Novak
Horticultural Assistant
Doug Novak is a resident of Olmsted Falls. He is a proud father of two girls. He owned and operated his own lawn and tree care company. He has worked for the City of Lakewood in the forestry department. He is a certified arborist for the City of Brecksville. Doug is happy to bring his passion for trees to the city.

Jim Kasmarcak
Horticultural Assistant
Jim has been in the horticulture and landscape industry since 1980. He ran his own landscaping business for 15 years, before moving on to work for Monteleone’s Landscaping for 9 years. When he got married and started a family, he decided to work for the City of Brecksville, so that he could spend more time with his family. In 2007, Jim acquired his pesticide applicator’s license.

Did You Know...

We have been a Tree City USA recipiant for the past 30 years.
Hosting awards ceremonies in 2001 and in 2019.